
National newspapers
I edited the health pages of the Daily Telegraph on a sporadic basis in the early noughties. Then I spent five exciting years as Medical Editor of the new, innovative, and award-winning Body&Soul section.
Research and policy
For many of the organisations I've worked, editing has meant combining written and verbal input from a wide range of sources, and shaping this into a coherent document. I've done this for a wide range of statutory organisations including:
The National Director for Mental Health, Department of Health
The Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health
The Cabinet Office
Kings Health Partners
King's College London
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
The NHS Modernisation Agency
The NHS Service Delivery and Organisation research programme
The London Health Commission
The King's Fund
I started off my journalistic career working for a voluntary organisation: as Assistant Editor of the newspaper Disability Now, published by Scope.
I've made sure I worked with voluntary organisations ever since – editing their publications and providing editorial advice. My clients have included:
Macmillan Cancer Support
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
Age UK
Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
Professional publications
I also edited publications for the national associations for occupational therapists and speech and language therapists.